Zee list for the weekend 24-26.09.2021

Zee list for the weekend 24-26.09.2021

Friday!! Yeah baby, zee weekend is here. Kinda cold outside but I guess we had enough of summer, let dem leaves fall. Since I’ll probably have some refreshing beverages tonight, I will make zee list for the next 3 days (hence 3 images).
The collages are made by @figaro_many >>> www.instagram.com/figaro_many/
Here we go in no particular order (well on a timeline kinda):
UNDERCLOUD 2021 – fest, theatre
Rockada #1 – music
URMA & Friends – music
Trifoi Fest – fest
Piata Altfel – market
Ziua Europeană a Limbilor – games, activities
Noooice! well you got yer list, I’ll pour myself a cognac now. 😎
Zee list for Thursday 23.09.2021

Zee list for Thursday 23.09.2021

Today will be cool with sun and some clouds. We will be expecting a high of 16° so get yer hoodie. :)) anywayz we have a full day today so lets get started. Herez the list for today in no particular order:
VALORI – art
Mercedes-EQ Pop-Up Store – not sure what dis is.. showroom?
Thatz what I got. Stay safe and happy! 😎

Street art cat by Tianooo The Cat (www.instagram.com/tianooo_the_cat/) in in Manchester, England
Zee list for Wednesday 22.09.2021

Zee list for Wednesday 22.09.2021

G’morning! Hump day, zee middle of the week, few more days and we can do like Earth, Wind & Fire and start dancing in September 😎 … ok that was bad, but anyways herez zee list for today. In no particular order:

COMA live @ Grădina Urbană – music

Loud Wednesdays w/ VRTW ARTISTS 22.09 – music

Bucharest Short Film Festival 2021 – fest

Jam Session – Jazz 27 – music

Atelier Classroom și Wordwall – 22.09.2021, h 18-20 – online, workshop

Crimele sunt abolite. Nu mai există decât pasiuni. Expoziție Claudiu Cobilanschi – expo

ZMEI3 • Backyard Season 2021 – music

Donează ce nu folosești – donation

THE VULNERABLE CITY – online, conference

Back to college – Nherd, Harap, Vlad Fugaru – music

Cum sa faci fotografii alb-negru de impact in Lightroom – online, workshop

Capete înfierbântate 2020 – 22/ 23/ 24 septembrie – Centrul Replika – theatre

Ballad of Escape – art

Devino voluntar pentru copiii din centrele de plasament! – online, volunteer


Cartea junglei – theatre

Sesiune „Neagoe Basarab – 500 de ani de la moarte“ – i donno what category this is 😐

Jazz in the Grass 102 / Costin Roșu – Just the Two us Us – music

Concert „Tic Petroșel versus Zoltan Butuc” – music

Duo Kitharsis LIVE în Grădina Casei Universitarilor – music

FALLING – proiecție specială PELÍCULA – film

Turneul “Impressions de voyage en jazz: Enescu, Ellington, Ravel” la București – music

Fabrica de Poezie Vol. 33 – poetry


Vecina de deasupra – theatre

MidWeek Tapes w/ Iulian Morar – music

Dirty Disco w. E. Rădescu | Apollo111 goes to Mercato Kultur – music

BJARNE BARE: Anamnesis – art

Expoziția „Muzeul Jucăriilor” la MNIR – expo

Classic Open Mic cu Mitran – open mic

Sheesh, it’s gonna be a busy Wednesday so get on with it! ❤

Two children working to build the world of tomorrow (New York): https://streetartutopia.com/2021/09/21/world-in-progress-ii/

Zee list for Tuesday 21.09.2021

Zee list for Tuesday 21.09.2021

Ola! Tuesday seems to be a bit cloudy but if you don’t wish to stay in bed then we do have some events for you today. In no particular order:

Bucharest Short Film Festival 2021 – fest, film

VAMA / Expirat – music

Săptămâna Europeană a Dezvoltării Durabile – fest

Back to college – RO:DIA in the Garden – music

Atelier de scriere creativă în cheia celor cinci simţuri – workshop

21 September Dzimis Tsapas & Irina Radulescu – music

Cinema sub clar de lună | Săptămâna 4 – film

Ballad of Escape – art

Taraful Rutenilor și Carmen Chindriș – music

Crimele sunt abolite. Nu mai există decât pasiuni. Expoziție Claudiu Cobilanschi – expo

HORECA privind înainte – Conferința Națională a Industriei Ospitalității – talks

EDUCare – Educatie pentru succes – conference

Atelier senzorial 6luni-2ani si jumatate! Tema: Gust, miros: bebe bucatar! – workshop

Re-CoNnect: Community Talks #2 @București – talks

SISTEM VIU – curs de dans contemporan cu coregrafa Cristina Lilienfeld @AREAL – workshop

oh and today is International Day of Peace .. so .. you know .. be peaceful! ✌️

Zee list for Monday 20.09.2021

Zee list for Monday 20.09.2021